
K12USA Support Knowledge Base


Specific Site Issues


Skype is software that provides voice and video conferencing services over the Internet.  It is somewhat complicated to setup, just like most other voice and video conferencing software. 

Note that these instructions are only for workstations that support proxy settings. Since the mobile version of Skype does not allow proxy settings, using it with mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad or Android devices will not work without opening all HTTPS websites. Skype tries to communicate with other clients directly on port 443 (HTTPS). This makes using Skype on an iPhone or iPad impractical as it would require opening all HTTPS websites to your users. Skype may change this in the future.

Applies To

SecureSchool, ISBossBox, LibraryDoor, Skype

More Information

Skype is simpler to setup to place calls then to receive, so the first several steps here will be how to do just that.  Before you setup the client, you need to configure SecureSchool to allow bare IP address requests on the filter set you want to allow access to Skype for.  (Note: Blocking bare IP address requests is a good way to block proxy servers, so only do this on filter sets that you trust).

To check the setting, go to "Website Filtering" -> "Filter Setup" -> select the filter set you want to work on.  Towards the bottom of the page, there is a green box labeled "Bock IP Addresses":

You need to make sure the box is not checked.  Sometimes the box is checked because of a setting in the Task Center.  If it is, then you need to go there to disable it for the correct groups of people (for example, staff and not students).

Once you make the change, go to "Commit Changes" and restart.

Now you can install Skype.  If you use authentication on your appliance, during the install Skype will ask you for your username and password to connect to the proxy with. This is normal.  Just fill it in continue the install process. (Note: You may need to temporarily unblock to download Skype's software.)

Once it's installed, it will ask you to create an account.  Just click "Cancel" for now.  Now go to "Tools" -> "Connection Options".  You'll get a screen similar to this:

  • For the "port for incoming connections", pick a number between 1024 and 65000.  This number needs to be unique between all your Skype clients.
  • Select "Automatic Proxy Detection" from the drop down
  • If you use authentication, check the box for "Enable proxy authentication" and enter your username and password
  • When you click on "Save", you're informed that the change will not take effect until you re-launch Skype, so close and restart the program

When Skype re-launches, you can now create an account and login.  It will take a bit for it to initially connect and detect the proxy.

Incoming Calls

If you want to receive incoming calls, the setup is a bit more complex.  First, you need to make sure the computer's IP address does not change.  The best way to do this is via a DHCP reservation, but you can make the computer set to a static IP address instead if you need to.

Once the computer has a non-changing IP address, you need to setup port forwards in SecureSchool to forward incoming connections to that machine for the port specified.  Go to "Firewall" -> "Port Forwarding" -> "Add Forwarded Port".  You should get this screen:

Fill out the form following these guidelines:


  • Name: Something that makes sense to you
  • Inside IP Address: IP of the computer
  • Inside IP Address Port: Port specified in Skype for the incoming port
  • Outside IP Address: Select the primary IP address on the appliance
  • Outside IP Address Port: Same as the Inside IP Address port
  • Protocol: TCP
  • Notes: Whatever you'd like

Also add another rule using the same settings you just did, but this time make it for "UDP" instead of "TCP".

Once you add the two port forwards, go to "Commit Changes" and restart.  You can now receive incoming calls once you restart and re-login to Skype.












Last Modified: 9 Years Ago
Last Modified By: tthum
Rated 1 star based on 1 vote
Article has been viewed 19K times.
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