
K12USA Support Knowledge Base

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SPAMTrakker Questions

TroubleTrakkerPRO Questions

WorkTrakkerPRO Questions

WebMailPRO Questions

WebMailPRO - Troubleshooting

K12AssetTrakker Questions

K12SchoolBits Questions

SecureSchool Questions

SecureSchool Technical Questions

Troubleshooting Questions



 SPAMTrakker Questions and Answers

I would like to have the ability to sort incoming e-mails with a SPAM score lower than my threshold. How can I sort these messages into folders?
If you are using Outlook, go to Tools > Rules or Rules Wizard > Start from a blank rule > Select check messages when they arrive > Next > Then select "With specific words in the message header". > Click on the "Specific Words" link. The type "X-Spam-level: *****" (note the number of stars indicated the SPAM level. In this case, this rule would affect messages with a SPAM score of 5. You can change this setting.) > Click OK, then Next. Now choose what to do with the message and follow the directions and save your settings.
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TroubleTrakkerPRO Questions and Answers

What is TroubleTrakkerPRO?
TroubleTrakkerPRO is a web-based solution for reporting, tracking, and solving technology issues.
You can read more about the features of TroubleTrakkerPRO here.
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How can I get help using TroubleTrakkerPRO?
Use the help link at the top of any page of TroubleTrakkerPRO. A window will open with an easy-to-use help system
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How do I get started using TroubleTrakkerPRO?
First you need to sign up for a free trial. If you have not already done so go to
Once you have signed up and received your username and password, go to to log in to K12USA. Select TroubleTrakkerPRO from the list of available services.
Next go to Setup Tools on the left hand menu. Then choose Manage Buildings. Here is where you will specify the name(s) of your building(s).
Then go to Manage Users. Follow the forms to create accounts for your users. Note the check box at the end of the screens which will send a welcome e-mail to new users with their account information.
If you have a large amount of users that would be too cumbersome to type, you can e-mail us a file for importing. We need the following information:

First Name
Last Name
User Name (or scheme such as first initial + last name)
E-Mail address (or scheme such as username +
Password - you can use generic password for everyone if you like, users will be prompted to change it when they log in for the first time.
Group Name - i.e. User, Technician, Etc.
This information can be sent to

Next you will need to put your users into Groups. Go to Manage Groups >Manage Users in Groups. At the very minimum you need to have the persons reporting Trouble Tickets in the Users group and at least one person in the District Administrator’s group.

Below is a description of each type of Group and what users within that group can do.

System Administrator – Persons in the group have control of all TroubleTrakkerPRO functions. Note: Do not create duplicate accounts for yourself if you are already a System Administrator. It is redundant and causes confusion.

Building Administrator – This group is normally used in districts where there are multiple buildings and a technology person in each building whose responsibility it is to assign tickets to technicians. Smaller districts, or districts where there are technicians who work at multiple districts, may not need to use this group at all.

Technology Coordinator – A person or persons in charge of assigning tickets to Technicians. This group has the ability to manage technicians, report problems, and write work reports but cannot change set up or user information within TroubleTrakkerPRO.

Technicians – This group receives Trouble Tickets and writes work reports.

Users – Users can report problems and see their own problems.
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I want to customize my TroubleTrakkerPRO set up and the way tickets are handled. How do I do that?
Below are some examples of district set ups. Of these are only examples of some typical set ups. TroubleTrakker can be customized in many ways. You can always call us tool free at 877-225-0100 if you have questions regarding alternate ways to set up TroubleTrakkerPRO
Go to to see examples of typical district set-ups, or call us toll free at 877-225-0100.
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I keep getting reminders for overdue tickets. How can I make them stop?
There are two possible reasons why reminders are sent. If you are getting notices of overdue "tickets" that have already been solved, then there was probably a problem assigned to you and no work report was filed to close the ticket. To write a work report, go to and select your state, and organization. Then input your username and password. Select TroubleTrakkerPRO. On the left hand side of the screen click on "Write Work Report". Choose the ticket from the drop down box and fill out the rest of the form. Once this is submitted, the reminders will stop. If you are getting reminder of "Tasks" overdue, then you have probably set up a recurring task that is e-mailed to you periodically. Go to Manage Tasks and remove the occurrences of the task to stop the reminders.
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Is there a way to see the user accounts and which groups they are in?
Yes. Go to Set up Tools > Manage Users > View Users in Groups. This will give you a clickable list of all your users sorted by group.
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The bars on the activity reports aren't showing up when I print them. Why is this?
This is because of a setting in Internet Explorer. To change the setting: go to Tools> Internet Options> Advanced> under printing, check off the box next to "print background colors".
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 WorkTrakkerPRO Questions and Answers

What is WorkTrakkerPRO?
WorkTrakkerPRO is a web-based solution for reporting, tracking, and solving maintenance issues.
You can read more about the features of K12WorkTrakker here.
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How can I get help using WorkTrakkerPRO?
Use the help link at the top of any page of WorkTrakkerPRO. A window will open with an easy-to-use help system.
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I keep getting e-mail reminders of overdue tickets. How can I stop them from being e-mailed to me?
There are two possible reasons why reminders are sent. If you are getting notices of overdue "tickets" that have already been solved, then there was probably a problem assigned to you and no work report was filed to close the ticket. To write a work report, go to and select your state, and organization. Then input your username and password. Select WorkTrakkerPRO. On the left hand side of the screen click on "Write Work Report". Choose the ticket from the drop down box and fill out the rest of the form. Once this is submitted, the reminders will stop. If you are getting reminder of "Tasks" overdue, then you have probably set up a recurring task that is e-mailed to you periodically. Go to Manage Tasks and remove the occurrences of the task to stop the reminders.
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WebMailPRO Questions and Answers

What is WebMailPRO?
WebMailPRO is a web-based e-mail service specifically designed to meet the needs of teachers, staff, and administrators.
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What are some advantages WebMailPRO has over traditional e-mail systems?
WebMailPRO is accessed via a web browser, allowing you to send & receive your e-mail from any Internet connected computer.
You can read more about the features of WebMailPRO here.
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Can I get to my e-mail from home or somewhere else besides school?
Yes, WebMailPRO is web-based so you can get it to from anywhere with a working browser and Internet connection.
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Does WebMailPRO support POP3?
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How do I use POP3 access with WebMailPRO?
If you are a user using WebMailPRO and would like POP3 access, ask your WebMail administrator to configure your account for POP3. He/she will be able to give you the POP3 server name for your mail.
If you are a WebMailPRO Administrator, and would like to configure POP3 access. Go to Set Up Tools > Manage Users and check the box next to POP3 access. The server name will be provided on the same page.
To see the advantages and disadvantages of using POP3 access versus a web client go to
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Our staff is receiving a great deal of SPAM e-mail messages, what can we do?
WebMailPRO offers a district wide SPAM filter. Go to for specific intructions on how to use SPAM filtering in your district.
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How do I create a signature?

  1. Click "Preferences."
  2. Click "Change Email Settings."
  3. Click the check box "Use Signature File."
  4. Type your Signature File as you would like it to appear at the bottom of all the emails you send.
  5. Click "Save My Mail Configuration."

This feature will automatically insert your signature into all outgoing e-mails.
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I have sent e-mails to some people and do not receive a reply. How do I know if they are receiving my mail?
If the person you are sending the message to uses K12WebMail or WebMailPRO (even if they are in a different district) you can check the status of the message. To do this go to your sent folder and click on the sent message. Then click on "Status" to see if the message has been read.
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I just got a message like this:

JSmith (Jane Smith) has reported a lost/forgotten password. Since this user is a WebMail user it will be necessary for you to change the password and inform the user of the new password in person.

What does this mean?

This e-mail is automatically generated when a user utilizes our Password Lookup feature on our login page. A message is sent to you since the user cannot access their e-mail to view their password information. Since the user does not know the password to their e-mail account, they cannot log into their e-mail account to receive an e-mail containing their password information. You will need to give the user their password either in person or over the phone. Do not reply to automatically generated email. Any replies sent to the automated email with the password are not sent to the user's email address.

Please note that anyone can process a password request if they know the user's username, however they will never be able to view the actual password. You should always verify with the user that they actually submitted the password reset request before you reset the user's password.
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How do I customize my e-mail signature?
Customizing your e-mail signature is easy with the help of Microsoft Word 2000. Just follow these steps:
Create a new document (select the Web Page option)
Create and customize your signature
Select the section of the document that you want to copy
On the Edit menu, click Copy as HTML
In your WebMailPRO account, go to Personal Settings > My E-mail Settings
Use the ctrl-v command to paste the html code into the signature field
Check off the Use My Signature Option and save your changes.
Note:  If you do not see the Copy as HTML command then you will need to download and install the Office HTML Filter:
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Is there a way to be notified when new mail arrives?
Yes, there is a program that you can download to your computer that will give you sound and visual notification when new messages arrive in your inbox. To install, go the following link and follow the download instructions:
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Does WebMailPRO have Anti-Virus capabilities? Is it possible for me to get a virus?
WebMailPRO messages are scanned for viruses. Sometimes it is possible to get a virus before an antidote for the virus has been created. Our virus definitions for WebMailRPO & SchoolBits are updated hourly, but you should still never assume you are immune from getting a virus. If you are relying on a network or workstation antivirus software, you should make sure it is updated regularly.
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Why are attachments now blocked by default?
The vast majority of viruses recently, spread themselves by sending an executable program file (or a zip file containing one) to users who then, out of curiosity open them (opening Pandora's Box so to speak) and set in motion the automatic spreading mechanism to send out hundreds or thousands of new email messages. These executable files such as .EXE, .COM, etc. are themselves harmless to a user of our mail system until the user attempts to download them and open them. Before there can be a way to stop a virus, the virus first has to exist and be reported by users who have caught it. So this feature was created to help better protect our customers.
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Can I disable this feature so I can receive executable attachments again?
If you REALLY want to be able to open those "suspicious" executable program files, then simply go to your global mail settings and disable the new feature.
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How can I allow certain attachments for some people but not others?
You can specify which attachments are allowed by group. To do this, go to Global Settings> WebMail Global Preferences and click the bottom check box "Allow Downloading of Executable Attachments". Then go to Manage Groups > File Extension Blocking. From there you can specify which groups are allowed which file types. If you want to have a different setting for a specific user, you will have to put that user into their own group (Manage Users> Create a new group) then specify which attachments they can download.
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I see that I can now use stationery when sending e-mails. How do I get stationery?
There are two ways to obtain new stationery templates. The first way - If you receive a message which has a style that you like, you can click the "Save As Stationery Template" button, then choose to make it a default setting (it will appear every time you compose a message) or leave it in the Template folder to be selected at will. Second - You can take templates from Outlook or Outlook Express. Go to for instructions on how to do this.
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Is there a way to see all my user accounts and which groups the users are in?
Yes. Go to Set up Tools > Manage Users > View Users in Groups. This will give you a clickable list of all your users sorted by group.
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What are the To: CC: and BCC fields I see when sending an e-mail?
There are three fields one can use when sending an e-mail (this is true of almost any e-mail program not just ours). The "To" field is usually who the message is addressed to and is visible to the recipients. The "CC" field (which stands for Carbon Copy) is for recipients that the e-mail is not directly addressed to, but the sender wants to send a copy to (also visible to the recipients). The "BCC" field which stands for Blind Carbon Copy is not visible to the recipients of the e-mail. It is used when you are sending and e-mail to many recipients and do not wish to disclose all the recipient's e-mail addresses to the other recipients.
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Is there an auto-reply function in WebMailPRO that will automatically send out messages when I am on vacation or unavailable?
Yes. To activate this feature go to Manage Groups > Edit Group Permissions > choose the group you want to activate the feature for and check the box entitled "Use Vacation Messages". Then each user will be able to configure their own vacation messages by going to Personal Settings > My E-Mail Settings. Note: Auto-reply messages are only sent once every 24 hours to an individual address. (so if someone sends five e-mails to a user they will only receive one reply message per 24 hour period). Most recognized mailing lists and digests will not receive auto replies.
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How do I import my e-mail addresses into WebMailPRo from another system?
The easiest way to do this is to send an e-mail to all the recipients in your current address book (This way you can announce your new e-mail address too) and include yourself among the recipients. When you receive the message, click on "add to personal address book". From there you will have the option to select all of the addresses and add them.
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Can I retrieve emails that have been deleted from the trashcan?
No you cannot. Emails should never be stored in the trashcan. Emails in the trashcan are automatically deleted when they are 7 days old. For example, if you receive an email today and delete it today, it will remain in the trashcan for 7 days. At the end of the 7th day it will be deleted from the trash can. If you receive an email today and delete that email 10 days from today, it will be deleted from the trash can at the end of the day because the email is older than 7 days.
If you click on the Empty Trash link at any time, the entire Trash Can will be deleted immediately as soon as you click the OK button to confirm the permanent deletion. Once an email has been deleted from the Trash Can it cannot be restored.
If your organization has email logging enabled, your email administrator may be able to print out a copy of the email message for you. Please see your email administrator for this.
You can create folders to store emails in so that you do not have to keep them in your Inbox. To do this, click on All Folders in the left menu. Type a Name for the new folder in the New Folder text box. Then click the Create New Folder button. You will now be able to move email messages to this folder for storage.
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My emails are no longer sorted so that I see the most recent email first! How can I fix this?
You can sort your email by Sender, Subject, Date, or Email Size. To do this, simply click on the corresponding heading title – From, Subject, Date, or Size. One click will sort the email based on that column in descending order. A second click will sort the email based on that column in ascending order.
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 WebMailPRO - Troubleshooting Questions and Answers

Why do I get an expired message when trying to use the audio/visual WebMail notification program?
This can happen when the network connection is lost when using the MailCheck add on program for the first time. Simply reboot your computer and the MailCheck program will restart.
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Some of my messages show up garbled and I can't read them, why?
This is caused by faulty HTML code and frequently happens when a message is forwarded or replied to. Unfortunately this is caused by the author of the message and there isn't a way to fix it.
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Spell check is not correcting my misspelled words, what should I do?
Spell check is not compatible with older versions of Internet Explorer; please upgrade your Internet Explorer to its latest version at
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Why do I get a red "X" over the K when trying to use the audio/visual WebMail notification program?
This means that the last time the WebMail notification program tried to check your email, it was not able to connect to the mail server. The red "X" will go away when the program connects to the mail server again.
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When I try to send a message, WebMailRPO won't allow me to type anything in the message body, why?
You probably have software installed on your computer which disables pop up windows. Uninstall the software and WebMailPRO will operate correctly.
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I keep getting bounce back error messages regarding messages I know I didn't send, why?
The origin of these types of messages is usually faked or "spoofed" by another computer sending out a virus, so that it appears to have come from someone who didn't have anything to do with it. Frequently by examining the headers of the message, it is possible to see that it originally came for an IP address that does not match the person who is listed as the sender. The only thing you can do about these messages is delete them.
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When I try to open an attachment and/or stored file, I get the following error "This file could not be found. Try one or more of the following: *Check the spelling of the name of the document. *Try a different file name. (C:\.......\File name)". Why is this happening and how can I fix this?
You have exceeded your Temporary Internet file storage limit that is set in your Internet Browser. To fix just clear our Temporary Internet Files. In Internet Explorer go to Tools > Internet Options > General > Delete Files.
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I am trying to add contacts to my address book and "add contact" will not highlight as an option. How can I add a contact?
Make sure that you are adding your contacts to your "Personal" address book by checking the drop down box at the top of your screen. Users cannot edit the District address book.
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One of my incoming e-mail messages was forwarded to my junkmail folder, however, it was not SPAM. What happened?
An e-mail message may be considered SPAM due to open relay. An open relay mail server allows anyone from anywhere to send mail through the server, which accounts for a large majority of Unsolicited Commercial Email or SPAM. The sender of the e-mail message can fix this problem by addressing the open security issues on their mail server and e-mailing a retest to:
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When I try to run the MailCheck program, I get a runtime error. How can I fix this? 
Make sure you have the "remember me" box checked off under the MailCheck options.
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When I try to download an attachment in my e-mail account, I get an error message that states "You are not logged into your account". Why is this happening and how can I fix this? 
You are using a very old version of Internet Explorer. Download the latest version by going to // and clicking on Downloads > Internet.
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I'd like to be able able to use the e-mail links I sometimes find on webpages but I can't seem to get them to work. How can I fix this? 
In order to use "mail to" links found on many webpages, WebMailPRO has to be your default e-mail program. To do this, go to and download the add on program to make WebMailPRO your default e-mail program.
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I use OSX with Internet Explorer and the spell checker doesn't underline words as I type. Can I change this? 
For those of you who use OSX, you may want to try Safari when accessing your e-mail. There are a few features that work better in Safari than in Internet Explorer.
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I use Mac OSX with Internet Explorer. The print button doesn't work when I am in print preview. How can I fix this? 
For those of you who use OSX, you may want to try Safari when accessing your e-mail. There are a few features that work a little better in Safari than in Internet Explorer.
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I seem to be getting more SPAM messages lately with a low SPAM score. Is there anything I can do besides lowering my SPAM score threshold?
This is due to a relatively new type of text-based spamming that is difficult to filter without blocking valid messages.   One option is to click "block this e-mail address" in order to block these messages Click on the message as if you are going to read it, then click "block this e-mail address."  This only blocks one sender, and you will still get messages from other senders with variations of the e-mail address.  (If you block, you'd still get messages from   To block messages based on what they have in common, if for example, you notice that you are getting messages from senders and, etc or you are getting messages from senders and, etc--do the following.   Click "Personal Settings" from the left toolbar Click "Rule Wizard" Click "New" Click to put a check mark in the box next to "with specific words in the sender's address" (there are other choices that you are also welcome to use) Click the blue "specific words" in the line you just check marked Type in the word that is common (in the above example, you would create one rule for "" and another rule for "secrets" Click "Next" Click to put a check mark in the box next to "move it to the specified folder" Click the word "specified" then click on the folder where you would like it to go.  (Probably either junkmail or Trash Can or you could create a new folder prior to making a Spam rule.)  Click "OK" Add any exceptions to this rule (if necessary) then click "Next" Specify a name for this rule (Block or block secrets) Make sure "Turn on this rule" is checked, then click "Finish" Click OK Create additional rules if needed.
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When I receive jpg files as attachments and I try to download them, I am only allowed to save as a bitmap. Why? Even the right click "save picture as" only allows it to be saved as a bitmap. Why can't jpgs be saved? 
Instead of right clicking on the actual photo, try right clicking on the link "Download File" (one click earlier) this will allow you to save the photo as a jpg.
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I keep getting messages in my junkmail folder which are not junkmail. Why is this? and what can I do to change this? 
When SPAM filtering is turned on for your organization, each message is evaluated as it is received and given a numeric score. If this score exceeds the threshold set by the organization it is deleted or placed in the junkmail folder for review.
There are a few ways you can change this.
One is for you to lower the SPAM threshold. We advise this only if you entire organization has a lot of people with this problem. Or, if the messages are from one particular domain, the domain can be added under Global SPAM Rules as an exception.
Lastly, an individual user can create a Mail Rule under Personal Settings> Rule Wizard to put messages from a particular sender into the Inbox.
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When I click on "Compose Message" nothing happens. What can I do to fix this? 
Check to see if you have pop up blocking software installed on your computer and uninstall it or set it to allow pop ups from K12USA. Most pop up blockers will recognize that the compose window is not a pop up, but some do not.
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I am trying to set up POP3 but it doesn't seem to be working what could be wrong? 
There are two common problems when setting up POP3. First, make sure that you are using the correct syntax for the username i.e. user/ Second, be sure to send a message to the account after setting up POP3 and then click the "Send/Receive" button in Outlook or Outlook Express. If you still have trouble, call us at (877) 225-0100.
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How can I stop e-mail from going to my junkmail folder? 
You can redirect messages from your junkmail folder to your Inbox by creating personal rules in your account. To do this go to:

Personal Settings > Rule Wizard
Click on the "Advanced" button
Type in a name for your rule
Click on the option: "From Field"
Click on the option: "move it to the specified folder"
Click on the word "specified" > Click on Inbox > Click on OK Type in then sender's e-mail address in the regular expression field Click on Finish
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K12AssetTrakker Questions and Answers

What is K12AssetTrakker? 
K12AssetTrakker is an online web application designed to help you track your school's inventory and assets with ease.
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What is involved in setting up and customizing K12AssetTrakker?
K12AssetTrakker allows you to enter your inventory items and assign them to groups with categories and subcategories.
Unique properties such as location, serial number, price, and warranty are then entered for each inventoried item, creating an efficient, organized method for maintaining assets.
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What are some features of K12AssetTrakker?
For more information on K12AssetTrakker features, click here.
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I already have my inventory data in a database file, can you upload this into my AssetTrakker account?
Yes, we would be happy to upload your data for you. Just e-mail an attachment (i.e. Excel Spreadsheet) that contains the following information:
Category > Subcategory > Item > Building > Room > Asset Tag > Serial Number > Purchase Price > Quantity > Est Replacement Cost > Est Market Value > Any Custom Field Data.
Please note that all fields must be completed, however, you do not have to put data in both the Asset Tag and Serial Number fields (just one will do).
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K12SchoolBits Questions and Answers

What is K12SchoolBits? 
K12SchoolBits is a web-based email service designed to meet the needs of school administrators and staff that want to provide e-mail to students while retaining control of it's content and use.
You can read more about the features of K12SchoolBits here.
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What advantages does K12SchoolBits have over other online e-mail services? 
One of the biggest advantages is K12SchoolBits content filtering. You can monitor the content that is sent by students so nothing offensive or inappropriate enters or leaves the school.
You can restrict the hours of usage so students aren't sending e-mail during class time or other restricted hours.
The ability to send attachments can be monitored or restricted.
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Is K12SchoolBits CIPA Compliant? 
At the time of this writing K12SchoolBits does in fact meet the CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act) guidelines.
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How does K12SchoolBits decide what messages are appropriate and which ones are not? 
K12SchoolBits has two moderation options.
You can review all incoming and outgoing mail or just mail that is flagged as inappropriate by the content filter.
You can have different groups of users with different levels of content filtering.
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How can the K12SchoolBits language filter keep up to date with the ever-increasing vocabulary of students? 
While the K12SchoolBits database is quite extensive, the language filter is entirely under your control. You can add, delete, and edit words as you find it necessary.
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I use SchoolBits and one of our users sent an inappropriate message that wasn’t blocked, what happened? 
Most likely this happened because the particular words the user wrote were not included in your language filter. To see the list of blocked words go to Language Filter on the left hand menu in your SchoolBits application. You can edit this list as necessary. HINT: Sometimes it is desirable to put misspellings and plural forms of inappropriate words in the language filter.
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Some of my users try to get around the language filter by using characters in their inappropriate words, how can I stop this? 
You can include words with characters by putting a “/” in front of the character in the language filter. For Example: Someone might type B*Z* to simulate the word “Bozo” (or other more inappropriate word). You could block this by typing B/*Z/* in the language filter. Putting square brackets around the “/” and character will block any character that used not just the specified. For Example: B[/*]Z[/&] will block B&Z* and B*Z* and B@Z@ or any characters used in those spaces
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Can I use POP3 access in SchoolBits?
No, SchoolBits is a filtered e-mail application and users will not have POP3 access.
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Why can't I delete the trashcan folder? 
The trashcan folder is a necessary part of SchoolBits' functions and cannot be deleted.
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Will our students see any advertising? 
No. Not now, and not ever. In fact we have no third party advertising at all on our site.
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Is there a way to see all the users and which groups they are in? 
Yes, go to Manage Users > View Users in Groups. This will give you a clickable list of all user accounts sorted by group.
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SecureSchool Questions and Answers

What is SecureSchool? 
SecureSchool is an Internet Filtering device for schools.  Go to to read more about SecureSchool.
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How does the SecureSchool filter work? 
SecureSchool uses several different filtering methods which can be mixed and matched to be customized for your needs.  They are:

  • Categorized lists of banned sites that we update
  • Your own lists of absolutely banned or absolutely allowed sites
  • Group filtering setups that let you filter different groups of users different ways
  • Weighted Phrase Filtering that lets you add your own rules and set your own threshold levels
  • Filtering according to PICS protocols
  • Configurable filtering of common file extensions
  • Configurable filtering of URL content
  • Filtering by IP address, including not allowing any IP addresses at all
  • Filtering of entire domains, parts of web domains, or single web page

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Can I have one level of filtering for students and a different one for staff? 
Yes, you can create "groups" of users with different permissions.
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If SecureSchool blocks a site the user wants to access, how do they go about getting it unblocked? 
When a user attempts to access a site that is blocked, the user will get a form to fill out to request the site be allowed. The user then fills out the form indicating the reason for access to the site. Then the moderator for that user's group receives an e- mail with the unblock request and a link to review the site. The moderator can then choose to unblock the site and send an e-mail to the user letting him/her know the site has been opened, or deny access.
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How often does SecureSchool update? 
It will update as often as nightly depending on whether or not there have been changes to the "blocklists" or the software.
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Can SecureSchool replace my Proxy Server?
SecureSchool is a proxy server (as well as a firewall) so it can replace your proxy server, (if you want it to). It would be best placed right after your router or cable modem and before the rest of your network. It has two network cables to facilitate this but it can also be connected in other ways if desired. Call us at 877-225-0100 or e-mail for details on other set-up options.
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Can I filter by IP address or range of addresses? 
Yes, you can filter by unique IP address or address range.
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Does SecureSchool support transparent authentication of Microsoft Windows domain accounts?
Yes, if a user is logged on to a Windows 2000 domain using Internet Explorer they can be filtered by their username and no other login is required. If you are using groups for different levels of filtering, it will ask for a user name and password.
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Can a trusted user be allowed to bypass the SecureSchool filter temporarily? 
Yes, you can easily change a user to unfiltered status by using our web-based interface. You can even use this interface from anywhere with an Internet connection.
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How do I back up my SecureSchool box?
You don't have to! We backup your SecureSchool box each night for you. This way, in case something ever happens to your appliance, we can ship you a duplicate right away; even overnight.
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How long has K12USA provided Internet filtering? 
We have provided Internet filtering since May of 2001
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If a user requests a site to be unblocked, what is the turnaround time for acting upon the request? Are requests reviewed or acted upon automatically?
You do not have to wait for us to approve a site to be unblocked, it can be done by your staff immediately.
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Does SecureSchool provide a means for warning the users that a site has been blocked? If so, does it disclose the reasoning behind the block? If so, can the school customize the message displayed to the user? 
Yes. If a site is blocked, a request for unblock form will appear along with the reason the site was blocked. You can customize the message that appears. The user can then request the site be unblocked.
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Does Secureschool support blocking by protocol or activity, e.g. email, chat, games, peer-to-peer transactions, etc? 
Yes, all of these can be blocked if desired.
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Can the filter be easily disabled by staff without having “administrator privileges”? 
Yes, you can designate staff with permission to unblock sites and they need not be an administrator. This is done through an easy to use web interface.
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Is it possible for one user to be disabled without disabling other users within the networked environment? 
Yes, if user authentication is used or the IP address of the workstation is known.
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Is remote administration feasible? By district staff or company representative? 
Yes, that’s one of our best features! SecureSchool has a web-based interface, therefore it can be operated from anywhere with an Internet connection.
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What logging options are included in SecureSchool? 
Logs can be reviewed by day, by IP address, by website, by user, as well as other factors such as sites that were banned, or sites that were not filtered because they were allowed. There are 16 different ways to search the log files.
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Which operating systems are compatible with SecureSchool? 
SecureSchool is compatible with any operating system.
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Which browsers are compatible with SecureSchool? 
Internet Explorer is preferred but SecureSchool works with other browsers as well.
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Is SecureSchool e-Rate eligible? 
Good news! SecureSchool is now 60% E-Rate eligible, (base cost before options), thanks to its caching server (40% of cost) and firewall (20% of cost). Note: We believe our statements about E-Rate eligibility are accurate based on our reading of the new FCC guidelines. Actual eligibility is not guaranteed and will be determined by the SLC/FCC after applications are submitted.
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Is this an appliance or software that runs on an existing server?  
SecureSchool is a hardware/software combination. The hardware part is an Intel manufactured Internet appliance. What that means is a 1U Rackmountable server. It is approximately the size of a pizza box and does not have, nor does it require, a keyboard, mouse or monitor. It is administered with a web browser.
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What information do you need from me to set up a SecureSchool filtering box? 
In order to configure your box, we will need the following information 1. Inside IP address and subnet mask (for the SecureSchool Box) 2. Outside IP address and subnet mask (for the SecureSchool Box) 3. Default Gateway 4. Static routes: 5. Do you need to put any servers behind it? (i.e. webserver) 6. Are you keeping your existing Firewall? 7. Do you plan on using proxy authentication? (if so we can upload your users for you)
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SecureSchool Technical Answers Questions and Answers

How do I get the user's proxy settings to point at SecureSchool? 
Click Start
Click Run
Type dsa.msc and click OK
In the window that comes up, right click on the node in the left pane that
contains your domain name.
Choose Properties from the popup menu.
Click on the Group Policy tab
Click on Default Domain Policy and then on the Edit button
Expand User Configuration\Windows Settings\Internet Explorer Maintenance and
then click on Connection
Double click on Proxy Settings in the right pane
Change the proxy settings to be what you desire
Click OK and then close / click OK on all the previously opened windows.
The next time that your users logon, their proxy settings should be
configured.  Note that Group Policy application depends on a valid and
properly configured DNS server located somewhere on your network.
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Can I track user Internet activity without restricting Internet access?
Yes, you will need to make the user an "exception user" to accomplish this.
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What happens if a user has multiple filter settings assigned to him/her? 
SecureSchool does not allow multiple filter settings for users. Multiple settings are confusing and redundant. If a custom setting is required, you can make a group for the person and assign settings to the group as desired.
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Troubleshooting Questions and Answers

When I try to login I get a message saying I need to have cookies enabled. What do I have to do?
That depends on what browser you are using. Find your browser below and follow the step-by-step instructions:
Internet Explorer

  1. Click Tools menu
  2. Click Internet Options
  3. Click the Privacy tab
  4. Click the Sites button
  5. In the Address of website box, enter our web site
  6. Click the Allow button
  7. Click Ok, then Ok again to close the Internet Options box and save your settings
FireFox in Windows
  1. Click Tools menu
  2. Click Options
  3. Click Privacy
  4. In the Cookies section, click the Exceptions button
  5. In the Address of website box enter our web site
  6. Click the Allow button
  7. Click Close
  8. Click OK

FireFox on OS X

  1. Click FireFox menu
  2. Click Preferences
  3. Click Privacy
  4. In the Cookies section, check the box to Accept cookies from sites
  5. Click Exceptions button
  6. In the Address of website box enter our web site
  7. Click the Allow button
  8. Close the Exceptions – Cookies box
  9. Close the Preferences box

Safari on OS X

  1. Click Safari menu
  2. Click Preferences
  3. Click Privacy
  4. Click Security
  5. In the Accept Cookies section, make sure it is set to Always or Only from sites you navigate to
  6. Close the Preferences box
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I have had a bookmark to get to K12TroubleTrakker for a long time, now it doesn't seem to work anymore.
If you are using change it to
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Why do I have a scroll bar at the bottom of my screen? Can I get rid of this? 
Typically a scroll bar appears when you are using a lower screen resolution. If you use a screen resolution of 800 x 600 or higher, you should not experience this problem
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Our district is listed twice on your site, it's confusing, how do we get rid of it?
Usually this means more than one person from your district signed up for K12USA services. Call us at (877) 225-0100 or e-mail us at and we will fix the problem.
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Pages within my account are taking a long time to load, what can I do?

Your browser may not be configured to use HTTP 1.1 protocol. To verify that Internet Explorer is configured (PC only):

  1. Open the Internet Options property sheet (If using IE 4, this is located under the View menu) (If using IE 5 or higher, this is located under the Tools menu)
  2. Select the Advanced tab
  3. Under HTTP 1.1 settings, verify that both Use HTTP 1.1 and Use HTTP 1.1 through Proxy Connection are selected.
  4. If these items are not selected, then check off and select OK. 5. Close all of your browser windows, and logon again.
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When I first logged into your service, I checked the box "remember my password". For security reasons I would now prefer that your system does not remember my password but even though I have unchecked the box it still fills in my password.
This is a setting in IE that you can change to solve this problem. Go to Tools > Internet Options > Auto Complete Settings. From there you can specify what types of information IE will remember including forms and passwords. There is also a button to clear the current passwords.
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When I log in I do not see a link to any services, why?
There are two possible reasons for this. First check to see that you have scrolled all the way down the page. Sometimes when a user logs in from home and uses the general log in page, they may have to scroll down the page in order to see all of the choices. The second possibility is that your account has been removed from a “user group”. Contact your service’s administrator to correct this problem. If you do not know who administers your account, e-mail us at and we will help you.
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I have been instructed by technical support to clear my browser's cache. How do I do this?
If you are using Internet Explorer, go to Tools > Internet Options > On the General tab, under Temporary Internet Files, click the Delete Files button.
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Last Modified: 9 Years Ago
Last Modified By: sburns
Type: FAQ
Level: Beginner
Rated 1 star based on 1 vote
Article has been viewed 8.2K times.
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