
Teamviewer is a remote desktop viewing and controlling application. Teamviewer uses port 80 and also checks port 443. When using Teamviewer with SecureSchool, it may be necessary to open port 5938 TCP on the outgoing side. Downloading Teamviewer requires allowing the .exe file from their site. The application communicates on ports 80, 443, and 5938. 
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This allows Teamviewer access in two steps: create a website filter and then a firewall rule.
Login to SecureSchool.
1. Go to Website Filtering -> Website Access -> Add a Site
Reason for Change: Enable Teamviewer (or whatever you like).
Filtering: Unfiltered
Port Access: Should be automatically checked.
Choose appropriate Filter Group(s)
Click on "Submit"
2. Go to Firewall -> Add a Rule
Rule Name: Teamviewer (or something else meaningful).
Reason: Enable Teamviewer (or whatever you like).
Type: Allow
Protocol: TCP
Arriving Through: All Inside Addresses
Source Address
If you wish to restrict access to Teamviewer to a single workstation, for Source Address, choose:
IP (from the drop-down menu)
Enter the IP address of the workstation

If you wish to restrict access to Teamviewer to a single Filter Set, for Source Address, choose:
Filter Set (from the drop-down menu)
Choose the specific Filter Set from the drop-down menu.
If you wish to add more than one Filter Set, add a rule for each one.


Destination Address: Any

Destination Port: 5938

Sequence Number: (leave unchecked)

Click "Add Protocol Rule"

3. Click on "Commit Changes", then click "Restart"

You should now be able to download the application, install and run it.
Posted 11 Years Ago, Updated 7 Years Ago