4. Change the following settings: a.) Network - Proxy Settings - Always use proxy auto-config specified below b.) Proxy Server Auto Configuration URL - http://secureschool.domain.nj.k12us.com:81/wpad.dat Specify the K12USA hostname for your SecureSchool appliance. Confirm that the name can resolve to the correct IP address when inside the network (internal IP address of SecureSchool) and outside the network (external IP Address of SecureSchool) on port 81. (important) 5. When you are done click on the "Save Settings" button on the bottom of the screen and then you can log out of the Google Apps Admin Console. 6. To confirm that the device is getting the latest policy or to reload the policy, on the device open the browser and goto: chrome://policy 7. To confirm that proxy setting are in effect, on the device open the browser and goto: chrome://net-internals/#proxy 8. Test - Open a website that should be blocked and you should see the "Access Denied" page for your school.